Google has started Android Market website. You can browse for any Android App directly from your browser. This is a great initiative by Google. Previously, you have to go to your Android device to access Android market but now you can access the market from any web browser.
You can browse the apps from a bigger user interface. The website allows you to send the apps directly to your Android device. On your Left Panel, select any app and click Install. Select the device on which you want to install the app. Then download and install the app on that device.
You can share the apps with your friends through Twitter. You can read others reviews and can post your own reviews on any app from the web or from your device. You can manage your existing apps through this Android Market website. For this, login into website with your google account and click ‘My Market Account’ to see a list of all apps that you have downloaded or purchased.
Google launched the Market site on February 2, 2011 during an event at their headquarters, where they also showcased HoneyComb Android 3.0.
Video of Android Event on 02-02-2011