When we talk about the smart and stylish phones with wonderful features and amazing applications then automatically only one name comes in our mind that is Android mobile phone. Motorola droid is the beautiful android phone which has interesting features along with the latest and useful applications for the users. Basically the beauty and smartness of the phone depends upon the beauty of its applications and its features. If we move somewhat back towards the past than we will come to know that we took only limited tasks from our smart handsets but these days we are using our handsets for a variety of purposes such as we can use high speed internet, can enjoy latest and amazing applications etc.We can say that these days we are having a small pocket pc in our pockets. Now we will look upon the top five Motorola droid applications which are as follows.

It is a very amazing android application developed for the android users who are having a great love for music. Sometimes users are going to listen a song and they don’t know about the singer and movie or album of the song. This application facilitates the users to know each and every thing of the song or track so that they may not find difficulty in finding that track or song.
Like all other android applications evernote is also very effective application for the android users. With the help of this application users can easily create text notes, snaps, record audio. Users can also easily attach files to their notes. This amazing application also let the users to create tags, titles, labels and destination on their notebooks. In addition to these users can easily browse and search for the notes.
Google Voice
This is also a great android application that allows the android users to perform a variety of wonderful tasks. With the help of this great application users can make their android smart phone more flexible by having video calls, voice mails etc.
Shop Savvy
Android has always tried to develop applications for the flexibility of the users. Now this application has got a great demand among the users who try to manage the balance in the cost while shopping. With the help of this application they can take the snap of the barcode of any product and with the help of that image of barcode they can easily investigate about the price of the product and can estimate that whether they are in position to buy this product or not.
Google Goggles
This is a great android application for the users who are having a great interest in searching for new things. With the help of this application user will take the snap for the thing they want to know and then Google will search information according to the snap taken by the user and will provide each and every information related to the snap to the user.