[Review] Linked In Android App Released to Download

Linked In has released its app for Android phones. You can see your Linked-In contacts, the common contacts that any two of you have and can contact them via the information updated by them on their profiles. You can send invitations to people to make new connections and grow your network.

There’s a Reconnect feature by which you can discover new friends, which you might know but are not on your friends list. You can follow your friends updates stream, which is some identical to like Twitter Stream. You can search for new people and add them if you want and can read any (all) your private messages.
Linked In Android App

But we suggest you to not go with this app.

Why LinkedIn Android App is not Worth to go
LinkedIn Team took so much time to release this app and still the app is not 100% and does not give complete features of LinkedIn website. You cannot access your LinkedIn groups. Groups are not functional in any way, neither can you update the groups nor can you read the Groups-updates.

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And to top of it, you cannot sync your LinkedIn contacts with those on your phone. If you click on one of your Linked In contacts, you can email or phone him/her, if his/her information Linked In has but if the same person is on your phone, his information stored on your phone would not be synced. LinkedIn make no attempts to know that the person’s some info is already on your device. This is really a frustrating missing feature.

The app is 1.2 M in size. Many people are complaining about this app that it has crashed on their phones. Also, it is very slow. We personally advice you to wait till the LinkedIn Android team fixes all the bugs and release a good stable update. Better you can go with DroidIn app.

If you still want to give it a try, refer below download link.

Download Linked In App for Android

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