Do you want a talking mobile phone?
And have you ever thought that your smartphone can speak more than 25 languages?
SVOX Classic Text to Speech Engine Android app can help you in reading texts from your e-books, translation, navigation and other apps.
Svox keeps portfolios in more than 25 languages and the count of voices portfolios is more than 40. The voices portfolios are of both females and males. It helps you in taking the pleasure of sounds of navigation directions, messages, translations etc.
You can combine Svox sounds with TTS enabled apps and thus these sounds can help you in:
• Giving directions with which you know the direction in which you are moving and can check if your car is taking you to the right place 🙂
• Knowing the content of incoming sms or mms.
• You can also read the incoming calls and emails.
• Reading the notifications that contain the sender’s name and information.
• It can read your e-books for you. Thus, your Android mobile can act as your teacher.
• Reading with Svox can also help you in improving your pronunciation.
• The default output can also be corrected as per user wish.
When you will install Svox Classic Text to Speech Engine on your Android mobile, then a complete TTS engine would be installed on your smartphone. It comes with demos of mp3s in more than 40 sounds. The sound-packages can be used free for 2 weeks and if you want to use beyond this time, then you can purchase them separately.
More Android Apps,
* Android Music Control
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Svox Available Languages
For Male
• Arabic
• French
• Canadian
• Dutch
• German
• Italian
• Spanish
• Portuguese
• Russian
• Turkish
• English
For Female
• English
• Portuguese
• Cantonese
• French
• Czech
• Dutch
• Danish
• German
• Finnish
• Hungarian
• Greek
• Mandarin
• Korean
• Polish
Svox Classic TTS Instructions
1. Download the app from here.
2. Install the app on your mobile.
3. Go to Android Settings –> Voice Input & Output –> Text-to-Speech settings.
4. Activate the SvoxClassic.
5. Select SvoxClassic.
6. Open the app.
7. Browse the voice catalog.
8. Select any one of your favorite voice of your language.
9. Download the voice.