All may be experiencing the Voice search feature introduced by Search giant Google sometime back and many of you might be happy with it and some of you might be unhappy too.
But for those who find this new feature as cool and handy then you can try this on your Mobile Phone as well, provided it runs the Android operating system. If you are running the Android os then just install the Voice Actions app on your smartphone.
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Google Voice Actions Android App Features
The below are the features which we are going to describe with the official speaking syntax and with proper one example explaining each feature what to say so that you can try it easily. In each of the below mentioned feature, the first line is the syntax that you need to follow and the second line is an example that you need to speak for getting those results.
• Sending Text Messages
You can send any text message to any of your friend in the contact list.
Speaking Syntax: send text to [recipient] [message]
Speaking Example: send text to Atul Kumar I am late and will be home around 10
• Calling to anyone in the contacts
call [contact name] [phone type]
Eg: call Alice Johns office
• Getting the directions
Syntax: navigate to [address/city/business name]
Example – navigate to 1991 Wooden Street West
• Viewing the Map
map of [address/city]
Ex – map of New York
• Searching Google engine
[your query]
Eg – Photos of Moon
• Writing Notes
note to self [message]
Ex – note to Project Manager work status
• Go to any website
go to [website]
Eg: go to yahoo
• Sending the emails
send email to [recipient] [subject] [body]
To Speak – send email to Jason Shessler How are you? I am in California and will travel Washington soon.
• Call the Businesses
call [business name] [location]
To Speak – call India
• Listening to Music and Songs
listen to [artist/song/album]
Live Ex – listen to rockers
Downloading Google Voice Actions Android App
You can get this app in either of the below mentioned ways:
1. Download from Voice Actions from Google.
2. Or, go to Official website and click on ‘Send to Phone’ blue color button.