nickiberli from xda has released a single tool by the name AndroidControl that helps you in performing all the major functions that you need to do on your smartphones like copying the files either from computer to phone or from mobile to pc, flashing roms, installing the apks etc.
I can say it as the multi-functional tool. If you have it, your much of the efforts are saved and the management of your device becomes quite well. You can manage your smartphone easily as you need not to worry of making mistakes while doing the robust works on your mobile device.
Along with the widely used English language, this tool is available in German language also.
Must Also see,
* Controlling Powerpoint Presentations
* LBE Privacy Guard
Android Control Features
• Copying the files from your computer to handset.
• Copying of the required files from the set to the pc.
• Installation of apks from your personal computer or Sd card.
• Listing all the packages installed on your phone.
• Uninstalling the packages.
• Disabling and enabling the packages.
• Restarting the hand-set normally.
• Restart in Recovery.
• Rebooting in Bootloader
• Starting of Adb server
• Killing of Adb server
• Fixing of permissions
• Flashing of Recovery Image
• To flash kernel z-Image and kernel modules.
• To flash the boot img file.
Android-Control Requirements
• The first and foremost requirement is Android phone (ofcourse).
• USB Debugging should be enabled.
• If you want to use flashing, then S-off.
• You must have .Net framework 3.5 installed.
• The required drivers.
• Usb cable.
If you get an exception as application failed to initialize – 0x0000135, then it means your system has an older version of .Net and you need to upgrade it to 3.5 and if you have 4.0 but you get an error as not able to find the version of the runtime then also you are missing Dotnet3.5.
The developer has made it but has pointed out of taking no responsibility of any damages.
Download the tool Comment here if you want as an email attachment from us. We will happily emailing it to you.
All supports at xda thread.
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